11 - 14 SEPTEMBER 2024

Jakarta International Expo, Jakarta - Indonesia


82 Persen Proyek Konstruksi di Dearah Digarap Kontraktor Lokal

Penyedia jasa konstruksi lokal disebut telah banyak terlibat pada proyek infrastruktur di berbagai daerah Indonesia. Hal itu dikemukakan Direktur Jenderal Bina Konstruksi Kementerian PUPR Yudha Mediawan dalam Rapat Dengar Pendapat (RDP) dengan Komisi V DPR RI pada Selasa (11/04/2023). Dia menjelaskan, total paket pekerjaan konstruksi pada Tahun Anggaran (TA) 2022 tercatat sebanyak 1.062 paket. Berdasarkan...
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Dibutuhkan Rp 51 Triliun buat Bangun 16.990 Hunian ASN di IKN

Kebutuhan pembiayaan untuk pembangunan hunian bagi ASN dan Hankam di Ibu Kota Nusantara (IKN) sangat besar. Hal itu dikemukakan Menteri PUPR dalam Basuki Hadimuljono dalam Rapat Koordinasi Tingkat Menteri dalam rangka Pembahasan Prioritas Rencana Kerja Pemerintah (RKP) 2024 bersama dengan Menteri Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional/Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional (PPN/Bappenas) Suharso Monoarfa, pada Rabu (29/03/2023). Basuki menyampaikan,...
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Sustainable Infrastructure Forum, Komitmen Kementerian PUPR Wujudkan Konstruksi Ramah Lingkungan dan Berkelanjutan

Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat (PUPR) bersama Indonesia Water Institute menyelenggarakan Sustainable Infrastructure Forum dengan tema “Komitmen Bersama untuk Pengurangan Emisi Karbon dan Strategi Pembiayaan Infrastruktur Berkelanjutan” di Auditorium Kementerian PUPR, Rabu (15/03). Menteri PUPR Basuki Hadimuljono mengatakan, Pemerintah Indonesia berkomitmen untuk menurunkan emisi gas rumah kaca sebesar 29% dengan menggunakan seluruh sumber daya...
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Januari 2023, Konstruksi Kawasan Istana Presiden di IKN Mulai Digarap

Konstruksi Kawasan Istana Presiden di Ibu Kota Nusantara (IKN), Penajam Paser Utara, Kalimantan Timur dimulai pada akhir Januari 2023. Ketua Satgas Pelaksanaan Pembangunan Infrastruktur IKN Danis H Sumadilaga mengatakan, mulai November 2022-Februari 2023 pihaknya tengah menyiapkan lahan seluas 50 hektar tersebut. Proses land development dikerjakan secara paralel dengan pembangunan fondasi. Disebutkan bahwa material dan alat...
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2023, Nilai Konstruksi Residensial Tumbuh 16,11%

Nilai konstruksi hunian diprediksi tumbuh 16,11% pada 2023 dibandingkan dengan 2022, yakni dari Rp 47,28 triliun menjadi Rp 54,90 triliun. “Nilai konstruksi perumahan pada 2023 terdiri atas sektor rumah tapak sebesar Rp 36,48 triliun atau 66,46% dari nilai total. Lalu, sektor apartemen sebesar Rp 14,45 triliun atau sebesar 26,33% dari total nilai konstruksi perumahan,” ujar...
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Menteri PUPR Siapkan Antisipasi Pengurangan Perubahan Iklim

Konstruksi Media – Bencana akibat perubahan iklim merupakan ancaman nyata yang harus disiapkan antisipasinya untuk pengurangan risiko, hal tersebut dikatakan oleh Menteri Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono dalam Forum Global Platform On Disaster Risk Reduction (GPDRR) 2022 di Bali, belum lama ini. “Sebagai contoh kami di Indonesia baru saja terkena dampak perubahan iklim di Semarang,...
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Menteri PUPR Cek Kesiapan Infrastruktur KTT G20

Konstruksi Media – Guna memastikan perhelatan Presidensi Indonesia pada Konferensi Tingkat Tinggi (KTT) G20 bulan Oktober 2022 berjalan lancar, Menteri PUPR Basuki Hadimuljono meninjau langsung pembangunan infrastruktur di Provinsi Bali. Salah satu yakni dengan melihat langsung pembangunan Penataan Kawasan Parkir Kepala Negara serta Penataan Jalan Simpang Siligita-Kempinski Showcase Mangrove dan Penataan Kawasan Mangrove Tahura Ngurah Rai....
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Indonesia Butuh Rp 67.000 T Capai Tujuan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan

Merdeka.com – Kementerian Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional/Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional (PPN/Bappenas) terus menyiapkan peta jalan untuk mencapai target Tujuan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan atau Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Namun, pihak instansi mengakui itu bukan perkara mudah. Deputi Kemaritiman dan Sumber Daya Alam Nasional Kementerian PPN/Bappenas, Arifin Rudiyanto mengatakan, paling tidak masih ada dua tantangan besar untuk mencapai tujuan pembangunan...
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Siapa saja yang bisa menjadi Koordinator BIM?

oleh : Ignacy Lozinski BIM Coordinator | BIM Software developer Banyak orang bertanya bagaimana saya menjadi koordinator BIM. Mereka ingin tahu apakah saya telah menjalani pelatihan khusus? Apakah saya menyelesaikan studi pascasarjana di BIM? Apakah saya melambaikan sertifikat yang memberi saya hak untuk peran seperti itu? Jawaban untuk semua pertanyaan di atas adalah “Tidak”. Namun...
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P2090-095_Online-Exam The meeting will NS0-910_Actual-Exam be held on Monday, when more than 10,000 guests will gather in New York. Tami Joan stared at the billboard - black, white and yellow, all smiling and waved. However, QQ0-200_Dumps-Pass4sure this painting seems to be something not quite right. The proportions and color of the characters are ignored, and each face SFC2.5_Cert-Guide looks the SFC2.5_Cert-Guide same pale. Tami Joan murmured Dead. They are galloping along the wide freeway. Under the lights, the road reflects a disturbing yellow light. They passed the old Navys naval port and again passed the Brooklyn Ferry Terminal. John finally stopped talking, pulled out a calculator from Texas Instruments, and started ticking some numbers. Tami Joan leaned back on the back of the chair looking out over foggy sidewalks and gloomy faces of SFC2.5_Cert-Guide P2090-095_Online-Exam those who sat on the brownstone porch overlooking the SFC2.5_Cert-Guide highway. In the heat, they seem to be in a semi-lethargic state. Taxi is also very hot. Tami Joan reaches for the window button and wants to lower the window a little. The window did not respond, but she did not feel surprised. She reached SC0-502_Exam-Sample-Questions out across John and went P2090-095_Online-Exam to the other side of the window, but he was over P2090-095_Online-Exam there too. At this moment she noticed that the door locks on both sides had NS0-910_Actual-Exam disappeared. Not even the door. She groping at the door with P2090-095_Online-Exam her hand NS0-910_Actual-Exam to find the remnants of the broken door handle. Nothing at all - as if P2090-095_Online-Exam someone SFC2.5_Cert-Guide had sawn SFC2.5_Cert-Guide it with a hacksaw. What happened John asked. Well, this car door how do we P2090-095_Online-Exam open it Just as John looked around the door, the logo for P2090-095_Online-Exam the Midtown Tunnel flashed past. Hi John tapped the partition. You forgot to bend, where are you NS0-910_Actual-Exam going P2090-095_Online-Exam Maybe he wants to go to the Queensboro SFC2.5_Cert-Guide Bridge, Tameng conjectured. Although the road to go NS0-910_Actual-Exam the bridge more distant, but SFC2.5_Cert-Guide can escape the tunnel toll station. She sat forward and beat the plexiglass with the ring on her hand. Do you QQ0-200_Dumps-Pass4sure want to go that bridge The driver ignored them. Hi Not long after, they passed through the entrance to the Queensboro Bridge again. Damn John shouted. Where are you going to bring us Harlem I QQ0-200_Dumps-Pass4sure bet he is going to take us to Harlem. Tami Joan looks out the QQ0-200_Dumps-Pass4sure window. A car is moving forward with them and slowly over them. She patted the window. Help She shouts, Help The drivers car glanced at her inadvertently, then glanced, frowned. He slowed down and followed behind them. But then suddenly a taxi abrupt, down the exit ramp down the highway, into Queens. Taxis turn into an alley, galloping over an abandoned warehouse district, at a SC0-502_Exam-Sample-Questions NS0-910_Actual-Exam speed of at least 60 miles. What do you want to do Tamijong tapped the partition. Open slow Where is this Oh, God No John murmured, Look The driver did not know when to wear a ski boot. What do SC0-502_Exam-Sample-Questions you want Shouted Tarim Joan. Do you want money We give you money. The man SC0-502_Exam-Sample-Questions on the front seat remained silent. Tami Joan opened the NS0-910_Actual-Exam bag and removed her black SC0-502_Exam-Sample-Questions laptop. She leaned back to the side of the window and hit the window hard with a laptop corner. The huge noise seemed to have shocked the driver on the front seat, but the windowpane was fine. Taxi suddenly biased, almost hit the brick wall of the QQ0-200_Dumps-Pass4sure roadside buildings. Give you money How much I can give you a lot of money John cried angrily, tears flowing down his obese SFC2.5_Cert-Guide cheeks. Tami Joan again smashed the window P2090-095_Online-Exam with the computer. The screen of the NS0-910_Actual-Exam computer SFC2.5_Cert-Guide flew SC0-502_Exam-Sample-Questions out of the SFC2.5_Cert-Guide huge impact force, but SC0-502_Exam-Sample-Questions the windows were still intact. She tried again, the computers fuselage cracked, QQ0-200_Dumps-Pass4sure falling from her hand. Europe, Mom P2090-095_Online-Exam Both of them were suddenly thrown violently forward. Taxi stopped abruptly in a dark alley. Driver drilled out of the car, SFC2.5_Cert-Guide holding a pistol in his hand. Please, please She begged. The driver walked to SC0-502_Exam-Sample-Questions the back half of the taxi, bent over and NS0-910_Actual-Exam looked through the dirty glass to the back seat. Why did you block Eleven Street What SC0-502_Exam-Sample-Questions are you thinking P2090-095_Online-Exam She looked at the broad QQ0-200_Dumps-Pass4sure street and she was still using her trash Set barricades blocked. Shes been accustomed to the horn of a car for a NS0-910_Actual-Exam long time, but now I realize its too loud, and the long queue of plugged cars SC0-502_Exam-Sample-Questions stretches for miles. Chief, SFC2.5_Cert-Guide the first police officer who arrived at the scene was responsible for arresting the suspect, placing eyewitnesses and protecting I QQ0-200_Dumps-Pass4sure know the SC0-502_Exam-Sample-Questions rules of adaptation, the police officer, did you block the street to protect the crime scene Yes, Sir, I think criminals will not park the car in that horizontal street, because it would be QQ0-200_Dumps-Pass4sure so easy to be seen QQ0-200_Dumps-Pass4sure by the people in the apartment over there.You see SFC2.5_Cert-Guide here and see Eleven Street seems to be the better choice. Well, I would say that this is a wrong choice, with no footprints found on one side of the railroad tracks, but two sets SC0-502_Exam-Sample-Questions of footprints directed at the staircase leading to 37th SC0-502_Exam-Sample-Questions Street. I took 37th Street Blocked. This is my point, they all need to be closed, and theres the train, he asked. Why did you stop it So, sir, I SC0-502_Exam-Sample-Questions think the train could cross the scene. Will destroy the testimony, or anything else. What other, police officer I SC0-502_Exam-Sample-Questions P2090-095_Online-Exam can not explain QQ0-200_Dumps-Pass4sure P2090-095_Online-Exam it clearly, sir. I mean What about Newark airport Yes, sir. She looked back Rescue. There are some police nearby, P2090-095_Online-Exam but they are busy, NS0-910_Actual-Exam no one noticed the lectures here. What happened to Newark Airport Why did not you shut it up Austrian, great, so I was scolded. She tightened her lips just like Julia Roberts, trying to exercise SFC2.5_Cert-Guide restraint Sir, it looks like in my judgment The New York Highway is also a good choice, along with the Jersey and Long Island Expressways, and you can shut down Interstate 70 and block all the way to St. Louis, where criminals may escape. She bowed a little Head, and Pi Ruidi on the viewing. The two of them are about the same height, but his heel may be thicker. I got a bunch of cranky NS0-910_Actual-Exam calls, he continued. Secretary of Ports, QQ0-200_Dumps-Pass4sure Office of the Secretary-General of the United QQ0-200_Dumps-Pass4sure Nations, Head of Conference He raised QQ0-200_Dumps-Pass4sure his head to the Javets Conference Center in that direction We disrupted the process, a senators speech, and traffic in the entire Western District. Even Hurricane Eva has SC0-502_Exam-Sample-Questions not seen such a thorough end to the rail corridors of the Northeast Corridor. I just thought Piatti laughed. Shakes was such a beautiful woman - the sloshing up of the P2090-095_Online-Exam time before QQ0-200_Dumps-Pass4sure joining NS0-910_Actual-Exam the police academy, the signing model for the Schadlel fashion house on Madison Avenue - so the police officer decided to forgive her. Shakespeare patrolman, he said, looking over NS0-910_Actual-Exam her flat chest top with NS0-910_Actual-Exam a bulky name tag. Give you an on-site instructional lesson. Work on the crime scene should take into account the balance. If we blockade the entire city after every homicide and place all three million people in interrogation, thats fine, of SFC2.5_Cert-Guide course. But we can not Thats what I said, and its very constructive and inspiring to you. To be honest, sir, she said NS0-910_Actual-Exam bluntly Im moving away from the patrol team and it officially takes effect from noon today. He nodded and smiled happily Well, theres nothing to say, but in the report, its important to say that it is your QQ0-200_Dumps-Pass4sure personal decision to stop the train and the enclosed streets. Yes, sir, She said carelessly Thats right.